because when there’s music, you dance.
here’s what i know to be true: coffee first. sing, sing often. listen to your friend’s stories, they tell way more than what your friend is actually saying. know how to parallel park. always make sure that when the waiter brings food, it’s actually yours. be humble. don’t park where you’ll get towed. earthquakes are less scary when drinking green juice on sunset blvd. with your babes. laugh at yourself, it gives everyone else permission to enjoy your quirks. levi’s over wranglers, they make a better booty. ask for forgiveness, not permission. wear sunscreen. swim in the ocean as long as your body can physically stand it. let your hair run wild. coffee. don’t be afraid to genuinely love something so much, you fall to the floor and hug it. say hello to neighborhood cats. give your honest, unapologetically-you applause and praise, even if it scares you. wear the dress. pay attention to where the toilet seat is. eat the fries. when there’s music, you dance. in the street. in the dress you wore. grab your friend’s hand & RUN. it’s ok to love fireworks. it’s ok to post said fireworks on social media, don’t be ashamed of what you love. always know where the nearest ice cream shop and bathroom is. eat the ice cream. stand in the middle of a busy la street just to watch more fireworks. nap. be the rescued disney princess. sing. let him make you coffee. savor every tiny moment, because they’re slyly the big moments.